5 Things Ladies Do To Get Guys Attention

5 Things Women Do To Get The Attention

Just like the way men do all sorts of things to get ladies attention, women also do the same to get men’s attention but the only thing about women is that it is difficult sometimes to ascertain if a woman is really into you or not when she shows some of these attitudes.

In fact ladies attitude can be a little bit tricky when it comes to grabbing the attention of a guy.

Even when a lady probably shows some signs that she has interest in you, you will still never know what she is up to until you try to figure it out.

While a lady signal can be interpreted in different ways and could also mean different things, here are the list we have compiled to help you know she’s trying to get your attention.

1. She’s always finding ways to be around you

 Whenever you noticed that lady who tries to stick around you all the time, it just simply mean she wants you and also want to get noticed.

If a lady likes you, she will probably want to be with you or even hang out with you.

There is no doubt that every lady has a preference, if she has interest in you, she will definitely want you to know by being around you at all time.

In fact the kind of strategies ladies used nowadays to bump into a guy’s way is so powerful that you can’t even imagine especially when they are in love with you.

2 Body language 

I know it’s quite hard to figure out what a lady is up to with just her body language but the little attitude she shows is enough for you to know if she has interest in you or not.

Those body language a lady might often show include, smiling at you at several intervals, laughing with you in every conversation even when you are not saying anything funny.

Some ladies often have the believe that it is not proper for a lady to approach a man in terms of relationship, so instead of asking you out, they feel using their body language is the best way to show their interest.

3. Putting up nasty pictures of herself

When some ladies wants to get attention, they simply share some of their nasty pictures on their social media paltforms.

Some even go as far as tagging that guy they want to get his attention on every of their pictures.

They say action speaks louder than voice, so instead of saying their mind out, they prefer to show it through pictures they share on their timeline and you already know pictures can be used to depict so many things that words can’t even say.

So as a guy if you find yourself as a victim of this type, just know that the lady wants to get your attention.

4. Always asking for your help

 In some cases, some ladies find it difficult to approach a guy and some finds it offensive to ask a guy out.

So all they do is to pretend as if they need your help even when they don’t actually need that help from you.

In this type of situation, you will noticed she gets to ask irrelevant questions or probably demand unnecessary help from you just for the sake of talking with you.

Some ladies even form fresh swags with it by changing their intonation. You should definitely know that she is giving you the sign of interest when she start to change the way she speaks while asking for irrelevant help.

5. She becomes a rebel

 Showing good attitude, smiling at you, faking laughter, bumping into you every now and then are not the only ways ladies used to get a guy’s attention.

A lady might decide to always counter your opinion, create unnecessary argument and even turn herself to an enemy.

This is just her own strategy of making you feel every of her impact while getting the attention she needed.

In fact most ladies do this not because they do hate you, but to get you to notice everything about them.

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