As a woman, you know there certainnumber of things that can keep your body off balance. Mind you there are also certain things you can do
to keep it on the track and when it comes down to your Vagina, there are more than enough things you can do to put it on the good balance and eating healthy foods is no exception this time around.
So below are the foods you can eat to keep your vagaina healthy.
1. Yoghurt
Yoghurt definitely has all of the good bacteria your vagina needs to be healthy. It is really a good source of probiotics and maintains a healthy pH Level. nevertheless, always look for yoghurt with active probiotics.
2. Garlic
Garlic can also help to promote a healthy vagina. It is known to be antimicrobial as people has said that eating it raw will help ward off yeats infection.
3. Crankberry Juice
Crankberry juice can help you prevent tract and urinary infection as it is loaded with acid compounds that fight off bacteria. The best thing is to go for a natural one, the one without sugar as it will provide an added benefit. The antioxidants in the fruit itself helps to regain a balance down there.
4. Sweet Potatoes
Vitamin contributes largely to healthy Vagina and Sweet potatoes is no exceptio as it is packed full of vitamin A which in turns keeps your uterine walls healthy and helps to produce sex hormones which you need to stay vibrant and energized.
5. Soy
The phtoestrogens in soy helps to keep the vagina lubricated but always go for the organic and unprocessed soy like edamame which is preferable to the overly processed stuff like soy burgers or nuggets.