Most Common Yoruba Traditional Wedding List Known As ERU IYAWO

Most Common Yoruba Traditional Wedding List Known As ERU IYAWO

Yoruba wedding list which is known as Eru Iyawo, is one of the questions people usually asked or wants to know more about so we are here to give you the full break down.

In Yoruba land, their traditional wedding is not all about wearing Aso-Ebi or Aso-Oke. Their main focus is always on the things brought by the groom’s family.

With that said, before he traditional wedding, there is always what we call “Introduction” known as MOMI MO E in Yoruba land. Here there is nothing like intorduction list but the groom’s family are still expected to bring along some tangible things like basket full of fruits and wine.

So back to the main business which is Eru Iyawo (Wedding list). Eru Iyawo is a list giving to the grrom’s family by the bride’s family months or weeks before the wedding. The list usually contains things which the groom’s family are to bring along for the engagement ceremony and are not fixed as it varies from family to family.

Below are the most common list of items which are usually demanded by the Bride’s family:

1. Holy Bible/Quran
2. Engagement Ring
3. Big box filled with accessories including Shoes and clothes
4. Tubers of Yam
5. Eja Osan
6. Obi, Atare, Orogbo (Number varies)
7. Wine
8. Honey
9. Bag of Salt
10. Bag of Sugar
11. Palm Oil
12. Carton Of Malt
13. Basket of Fruits
14.Carton Of Juice
15.Carton Of Water
16. Goat
17. Assorted Biscuits
18. Proposal Letter

Another part is the monetary aspect whicch is usually not fixed:

1. Dowry
2. Owo Baba Gbo
3. Owo Iya Gbo
4. Owo Omo Ile Okunrin
5. Owo Omo Ile Obirin
6. Owo Iyawo Ile
7. Owo Ijoko Agba
8. Owo Isiju Iyawo

All these money are set aside to be collected at different points during the engagement ceremony while the gift items are arranged before the start of the wedding at the venue.

All these said and done, there is still a certain thing about the dowry which is not meant to be collected.

Dowry is meant to be returned back to the groom’s family so as to indicate that they are not selling their daughter but rather giving her out for marriage for proper care.

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