Popular American female rapper, Nicki Minaj performed in front of a huge crowd in Luanda, Angola last.night despite the pleas and critics from human rights activists for her
show to be cancelled.
The 33-year-old rapper who arrived Angola in a private jet, was
reportedly paid $2 million to headline the concert
hosted by Unitel
communications, a company which is in large part controlled and owned by
the family of Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos.
President Dos Santos who has been in power since 1979 is accused of
overseeing corruption, enriching his family and friends while majority
of Angolans live on less than $2 a day despite being Africa’s
second-largest oil producer.
POWER!!!!! This motivates me soooooooooo much!!!! S/O to any woman on a
paper chase. Get your own!!!! Success is yours for the taking!!!!!
#Angola thank u to the women who brought me out here as well.’
dictator and now Nicki Minaj has come under fire for doing the same
thing BUT guess a girl had to do what she did for the money… What do you
think guys?